Alpharetta, GA — Middle School Chronicles book series author, 16-year old Essynce Moore, is the first teen to have her books in schools as a mandatory reading and a part of some schools’ curricula all around the world.
Essynce’s books are becoming more and more popular with even teachers and students reaching out to Essynce in hopes to get her books in their classrooms and to have her visit their school to speak in-person to the students.
Laura Thomson, an 8th grade reading teacher from South Allegheny Middle School in Pennsylvania, called the Essynce Couture telephone line with her class, hoping that they would have a chance to speak directly with Essynce. Her mom~ager answered and advised that unfortunately Essynce was in school. However, when Ms. Thomson explained that she did a GoFund me campaign to raise enough money to be able to purchase the books for her class, her mom~ager Starr Barrett wanted to do something nice for the class.
When Essynce got home from school she explained what the amazing teacher did for her class, and Essynce asked her mom to reach back out to them and have them call on Friday when she would be home due to a pre-planned engagement. Ms. Barrett reached back out to the teacher and they planned a call for Friday. Essynce was ecstatic to speak to the teacher and students about supporting her and answering any questions they had. At the end of the call, the teacher invited Essynce to the school, and Essynce told her that she would do everything she can to try and visit.
Essynce is determined to reach as many middle schools all around the world as she can to have these books as a mandatory reading each year. Similar to how students have to read The Diary of Anne Frank every year in their class. Essynce is adamant about them being a need and not a want in middle schools. Students have told her that her books have changed their lives, even though they don’t like reading they loved reading these books, and they were so relatable to what they’ve experienced that they’re glad to see they’re not alone.
About Essynce Moore:
From Hillside, New Jersey, Essynce is a 16-year old teenpreneur, children, tweens and teens stylist/fashion designer, actress, motivational speaker and author. She has received Proclamations from the state of New Jersey, the city of Passaic, and the city of Hillside.
She has also participated in various fashion shows, pageants, and karate tournaments. She was showcased in NY Fashion Week and Atlanta Kids Fashion Week, featured in several interviews in magazines, TV, news, print, conferences, and is a member of the New York Youth Chamber of Commerce.
Learn more about this phenomenal young woman at
For more information about Essynce and/or to schedule an interview with her, please contact Ms. Starr Barrett at (908) 977-6898 or
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