4 End-Of-Year Financial Strategies For Success
Why More Governments Should Require Financial Education In Schools
How Education Can Help Build Generational Wealth (Part II)
How Education Can Help Us Build Generational Wealth (Part I)
Most of us never took a class on “Managing Finances” in the process of getting our degree or diploma. Generally speaking, money wasn’t taught in our schools, communities, or places of worship, yet we somehow end up having to use it each and every day…
How To Make Sure Your Summer Vacation Is Budget-Proof
Among the highlights to look forward to in the summer season is that of travel and leisure. Especially so in the month of July, vacationing seems to bring about a sense of freedom that rejuvenates our spirits, rekindles our relationships, and re-establishes family bonds. However,…
The Financial Legacy Of A Good Father
Much has been made over the years about the shortcomings of fathers, particularly when it comes to men of color. Television, newspapers, and movie screens are often more than eager to portray our men as absent, incarcerated, and addicted rather than provide a healthy balance…
The Top Financial Lessons Passed Down By Our Mothers
“Aint a woman alive that can take my mama’s place”–Tupac Shakur Mothers are without a doubt invaluable to life as we know it. The importance of the role they play can never be understated from infancy all the way up through adulthood. And while…
How To Make The New Tax Laws Work In Your Favor
If ever there were a case to make for understanding how taxes work, now would be the time. With the massive tax reform changes taking place over the past year, we are far removed from the days where you could afford to turn your head…
(3) Key Updates To Be Aware Of For This Year’s Tax Season
“In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” -Benjamin Franklin Despite Benjamin Franklin’s famous words, the arrival of the this year’s tax season is bringing a lot of uncertainty and change. Among the most notable differences this year are…
Why You Should Consider A New Year’s Resolution For Your Finances
“If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will take you there” ― African Proverb Among the greatest opportunities in entering a new year is the chance to create your own personalized resolution for the next 12 months. For many people this exercise brings…

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