First Professional Baseball Team to Be Named After an African American Woman
Chicago, IL — The National Urban Baseball League is pleased to announce that it will be the first professional baseball league to have a team named after an African American woman, Attorney Vickie Pasley. The team, which will be based in Chicago, will be called…
Renowned Chess Champion and Youth Coach to Hold Teen Empowerment Workshop in Chicago
Chicago, IL — On Saturday, April 7, noted youth mentor and anti-violence activist Orrin “Checkmate” Hudson will use a life-size chessboard to bring life lessons to students in Chicago. By learning to outthink the competition, Hudson says these young people will learn to respect others,…
2018 Over-The-Rhine International Film Festival Team Announced and Receives A Million-Dollar Challenge Grant
Formerly the ReelAbilities Film Festival, Greater Cincinnati’s Largest Film Festival Works to Celebrate Diversity, Disability, and Difference on Screen and Behind-The-Scenes Cincinnati, OH — LADD (Living Arrangements for the Developmentally Disabled) announces today an exciting line up of staff and contractors positioned to expand Greater…
17-Year Old Black CEO Launches Nationwide Search For Other Young Entrepreneurs to Collaborate as Co-Authors For Her New Book
Nationwide — Zandra Cunningham, teen CEO of the artisan skin care line Zandra Beauty, launches a nationwide search for young entrepreneurs to collaborate as co-authors of her new book The Science Behind It. Frank speaking, fun and revealing, Zandra and 20 young rising stars will…
NFL Player to Donate All His 2017 Game Checks To City Kids
This football player just scored big for the next generation’s academic opportunities. Chris Long, the Philadelphia Eagle’s defensive end player, just announced that he would be donating the rest of his year’s salary for the rest of the game year to increase educational equality. According…
2017 National Black MBA Conference
City of Philadelphia Welcomes National Black MBA Association® and Prospanica® for the 2017 Annual Conference and Exposition The National Black MBA Association® (NBMBAA®) and Prospanica® were joined by the Mayor of Philadelphia Jim Kenney, Philadelphia Convention and Visitor’s Bureau CEO & President Julie Coker Graham, and other distinguished elected…

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