Award winning author, director and producer Jimmy DaSaint has premiered his latest film Nobody’s Son. DaSaint is known for tackling real issues through his works of art. Nobody’s Son is no different as it sheds light on issues that tragically impact the community such as bullying, gun violence and homelessness.
Nobody’s Son is a story that follows a poorly disadvantaged twelve-year old in the hood. Trapped in a cruel world of death, pain and deception young Daniel must do whatever it takes to survive the mean streets of Philly. Though faced with his own adversity, he manages to demonstrate a child is a gift from God. Nobody’s Son is a positive, tear-jerking and thought-provoking film.
DaSaint is no stranger to the perils of the streets. Through his own life events, experiences of others as well as pure creativity, he writes captivating stories. When asked about his films, DaSaint stated, “I don’t tell violent drug stories, I tell stories with drugs and violence in it.” He continued by saying he has a passion to bring real issues to light. “The city needs healing. I could talk about other things.” Instead of highlighting and glorifying the streets, DaSaint shows the full picture.
DaSaint is known for giving opportunities to and featuring local talent in his films. Nobody’s Son stars a dynamic cast hailing from DaSaint’s hometown, Philadelphia and the surrounding areas. This includes the lead role played by 14-year-old Ta’j, Ayo Moore, Bobby Rand, Laveta Cameron and Son of the 215, just to name a few. With an original music soundtrack, DaSaint also co-wrote “Out Here” with Son of the 215. As a Philadelphia Powerhouse, DaSaint has released three films “The Trap,” “Nobody’s Son” and “Broken Trust” all available to view now on Tubi. For more information, go to and Instagram @jimmydasaint1.
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